Mô tả công việc

- Being in charge of all administrative and human resources activities of the Corporation;

- Planning, deploying, monitoring and reporting the implementation of HR&A activities monthly, quarterly and annually;

- Advising the Board of Directors of the Corporation on the establishment of organization chart, personnel apparatus, salary and benefits policy, recruitment, training, labor relations settlement, personnel evaluation program,...;

- Managing surbodinates in the department to perform the duties and functions of the HR&A dept to achieve the target;

- Planning and implementing logistical activities for the days: Holidays, Conferences, Summary, entertainment,…;

- Building procedures, regulations and norms related to administrative and human resources work;

- Developing policies and regulations on salary and bonus, criteria for raising wages/salary grades;

- Developing and editing internal rules, procedures, regulations, etc. related to personnel;

- Planning, organizing and supervising the implementation of safety and order, occupational safety and health, fire prevention;

- Making monthly/unscheduled reports and doing other tasks as requested by superiors.

Yêu cầu công việc

- Graduation from University in majors: Human Resources Management, Economics, Law, Labor Relations or related majors;

- At least two-year experience in equivalent position;

- Understanding of Labor Law, social insurance, occupational safety and health, fire prevention, environment;

- Knowledge about Labor Law and understanding of labor - salary management;

- Analyzing, synthesizing, reporting skill;

- Operation and Management skill. Handling conflicts and contradictions in the organizations;

- High sense of responsibility;

- Training skill;

- Being able to work under high pressure;

Phúc lợi công việc

- Trao đổi cụ thể khi phỏng vấn

Cách thức ứng tuyển

Ứng viên nộp hồ sơ trực tuyến bằng cách bấm nút Nộp đơn dưới đây

Nộp đơn 306 / 1
Logo Tổng Công Ty Cổ Phần Y Tế Danameco Tổng Công Ty Cổ Phần Y Tế Danameco
105 Hùng Vương, Quận Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam / 12 Trịnh Công Sơn, Phường Hòa Cường Nam, Quận Hải Châu, Tp. Đà Nẵng
Quy mô: từ 100 - 200 nhân viên

Ngày đăng tuyển

Nơi làm việc
Đà Nẵng, Quảng Nam

Cấp bậc
Trưởng phòng/ Quản lý cấp trung

Kỹ năng

Ngôn ngữ trình bày hồ sơ
Bất kỳ

Trình độ học vấn
Đại học

Ứng viên
Nam nữ, từ 28 tới 40 tuổi
Trưởng phòng Hành chính nhân sự, HR&A manager (Ưu tiên ứng viên có kinh nghiệm ngành sản xuất)
Tổng Công Ty Cổ Phần Y Tế Danameco
Nộp đơn