Mô tả công việc

Main duties:
• Ensure that Group policies are in compliance with the laws of Vietnam
• Provide legal advice to various departments on operations, finance, tax, HR, commercial contracts, litigation, media, intellectual property etc for Management’s decision
• Advise Management and related departments on negotiations with developers, business partners
• Draft / review and participate in the negotiation of commercial contracts / agreements and ensure documents comply with Company regulations and prevailing laws of Vietnam to protect the Group
• Ensure statutory / legal compliance and other legal matters for business operations in consultation with Operation Department
• Provide advice to Management and HR on Labour regulations that may impact (both positive and negative) on the Company’s HR matters and advice HR on employment regulations
• Oversee and handle legal matters related to labor issues of termination, compensation and compliance
• Attend court for legal proceedings for labour dispute settlements

Yêu cầu công việc

• Years of experience: at least 07 years in legal practicing experience. Deep experience in In-house counsel is are advantage and preferable
• Have experiences in FMCG is an advantage
• Having university graduation with LAW major and owed the lawyer practicing certificate;
• Good computer skills using all major office applications;
• Excellent in spoken and written English and Vietnamese;
• Working in hard pressure, challenging;
• Creative, management skill and self-driven;
• Flexibility to adapt with business requirements and changing laws and regulations;

Phúc lợi công việc

• Salary: 1,500$ - 2,500$ + allowance
• Attractive bonus
• Premium Health care package

Cách thức ứng tuyển

Ứng viên nộp hồ sơ trực tuyến bằng cách bấm nút Nộp đơn dưới đây

Nộp đơn 468 / 1
Từ khóa:
Legal Manager
Logo Công ty Cổ phần Tập đoàn Phú Thái Công ty Cổ phần Tập đoàn Phú Thái
P1801 - Tòa nhà HCO - 44B - Lý THường Kiệt - HK- Hà Nội
Quy mô: hơn 200 nhân viên

Ngày đăng tuyển

Nơi làm việc
Hà Nội

Cấp bậc
Trưởng phòng/ Quản lý cấp trung

Kỹ năng
Compensation, English, Management, MS Office, Legal

Ngôn ngữ trình bày hồ sơ
Tiếng Anh

Trình độ học vấn
Đại học

Kinh nghiệm làm việc
7 năm

Ứng viên
Nam nữ
Cần tuyển Legal Manager
Công ty Cổ phần Tập đoàn Phú Thái
Nộp đơn