Mô tả công việc

The right candidate will be willing and able to:

• Quickly understand the senior’s requirements for the related works to be handled, research and analyze information/legal documents to obtain necessary legal grounds;

• Support seniors drafting/reviewing agreements, contracts and other legal documents at the request of clients;

• Draft/review the application files and work with state licensing bodies to obtain various licenses, approvals, permits and certificates;

• Independently handle the assigned work and other assignments delegated by lawyers in charge; and

• Maintain and keep good relationship with the state authorities to settle cases;

Yêu cầu công việc

The candidate’s must-haves:

• Possessing the Law University bachelor’s degree while getting LLM is an advantage;

• Having at least 01-year experience in working for professional law firms;

• Good command/skills of English, focusing on fluently speaking and writing skill;

• Having good skills/capacity in (i) logical and creative thinking; (ii) legal advisory analysis; (iii) negotiation; and (iv) communication;

• Possessing capacity in handling a wide variety of assignments, well managing a sizable workload and meeting clients’ deadlines;

• To be proactive, creative, hard and responsible for working under pressure; and

• Conversant with Word, MS Excel, Internet & using office e-mails (Outlook).

Phúc lợi công việc

The candidate will receive:

• Competitive salary;

• Client-winning commission;

• 13th month bonus and additional rewards, where excellent;

• Premium healthcare check-up plan and company trip

• Working independently in handling the cases is encouraged, with the fullest support, if necessary;

• Clear opportunities to be promoted to a Junior Associate and become a Partner;

• Participating in soft skill and personal development intensive training courses;

• Intensively trained on Harvard In-Principled Negotiation by Managing Partner; and

• Working in an English speaking and professional environment with sustainable values

Cách thức ứng tuyển

Ứng viên nộp hồ sơ trực tuyến bằng cách bấm nút Nộp đơn dưới đây

Nộp đơn 1739 / 31
Logo Công ty Luật Trách Nhiệm Hữu Hạn DIMAC Công ty Luật Trách Nhiệm Hữu Hạn DIMAC
Phòng 509, Tầng 5, Tòa nhà DMC, 535 Kim Mã, Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Quy mô: từ 20 - 49 nhân viên

Ngày đăng tuyển

Nơi làm việc
Hà Nội

Cấp bậc
Nhân viên/ Có kinh nghiệm

Kỹ năng
legal research; critical thinking; communication; time management

Ngôn ngữ trình bày hồ sơ
Tiếng Anh

Trình độ học vấn
Đại học

Kinh nghiệm làm việc
1 năm

Ứng viên
Nam nữ
Trợ lý Luật sư (Paralegal - Văn phòng Hà Nội)
Công ty Luật Trách Nhiệm Hữu Hạn DIMAC
Nộp đơn