Mô tả công việc

We are recruiting 2 student interns who should be able to conduct following tasks:
- Assist lawyers to support clients
- Greet and guide visitors; arrange for appointments, business trips, meetings…
- Prepare mails, emails response relating to administrative tasks.
- Facsimile, scan and make a copy of documents upon requests.
- Draft contracts, agreements and other legal documents.
- Prepare and translate application dossiers and documents.
- Enter contacts, information of clients, corporates to file and arrange business cards.
- Pick up / submit dossiers upon requests.

Yêu cầu công việc

- Students from Law Universities, Law Faculty of National University of Vietnam or Hanoi University and University of Language & International Studies Hanoi and Universities (Major in English/Korean/Law);
- Capable of working quickly and accurately under pressure to successfully meet required deadlines;
- Working diligently and responsibly, thinking creatively;
- Strong computer skills, including detailed knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint;
- Good communication skills;
- English or Korean Fluency.
Job type
- Unpaid Part-time/Full-time student interns.
- Qualified unpaid interns may be converted to paid interns
How to apply
- Please apply via website
Interested candidates are invited to submit their curriculum vitae in ENGLISH with photo to: LOGOS Law LLC (Hanoi Office) Suite 2403, 24th Floor, Keangnam Hanoi Landmark Tower, Plot E6, Pham Hung street, Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phúc lợi công việc

- Lunch voucher will be provided for full-time intern
- International, open and respect working environment.
Qualified candidates can be paid interns after 2-3 months upon the office’s request.
- Opportunities to become official staff.

Cách thức ứng tuyển

Ứng viên nộp hồ sơ trực tuyến bằng cách bấm nút Nộp đơn dưới đây

Nộp đơn 682 / 11
Logo Chi nhánh Công ty Luật Logos Chi nhánh Công ty Luật Logos
P2403,t24,Keangnam Hanoi Landmark Tower, khu E6, KĐT mới CG - Phường Mễ Trì - Quận Nam Từ Liêm - Hà Nội.
Quy mô: từ 100 - 200 nhân viên

Ngày đăng tuyển

Nơi làm việc
Hà Nội

Cấp bậc
Mới tốt nghiệp/Thực tập

Ngành nghề
Chuyên viên pháp lý

Kỹ năng

Ngôn ngữ trình bày hồ sơ
Bất kỳ

Trình độ học vấn
Đại học

Ứng viên
Nam nữ
Law Interns (in Hanoi)
Chi nhánh Công ty Luật Logos
Nộp đơn