Ảnh đại diện Carino (ZC4479)
Marrify Carino
Tp Hồ Chí Minh
Duong So ***, Chung cu Phu My, Phu My Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
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Đã có gia đình
Giám đốc/ Quản lý cấp cao
Tp Hồ Chí Minh
100 triệu
Kinh nghiệm làm việc

Từ 2020 đến 2020: Quản lý tại Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Vietnam Limited
Manage back office team to implement process and daily opera3on effec3vely.
• Maintain and develop good rela3onship with clients, vendors, suppliers to protect base accounts.
• Timely feedback to customers requested informa3on, service/program queries, complaints, etc.
• Resolve service delivery issues by clarifying customer’s complaint; determining the root cause of the problem; selec3ng
and explaining the best solu3on to solve the problem and expedi3ng the required correc3ve ac3on.
• Maintain a record of customers feedback, either complaints or praise, and use 3 implement a new strategy to improve
service quality.
• Support the sales network and footprint with the goal to increase the sales revenue by ensuring a smooth on-boarding
of new accounts thru good customer service and on-boarding plan.
• Coordinate with other departments to ensure the customer bookings are not interrupted, reports are released as per
TAT and accurate.
• Set up training plan for team members and execute it accordingly.
• Adhere to BV CPS quality requirements.
• Oversee the he customer service and back office opera3on for Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines

Từ 2019 đến 2020: Trưởng nhóm / ban tại Công ty Tài chính TNHH MTV Ngân Hàng Việt Nam Thịnh Vượng
• Oversee the opera3on of Digital Sales Department to drive sales of VPBFC’s products & services to new & exis3ng customers to achieve objec3ves, targets and strategy of VPBFC
• Planning/budge5ng
• In charge of proposing & developing business plans & strategies to acquire new customers & maximize Digital sales figures as part of overall VPBFC’s sales strategy
• Monitor ac3on plan & budget within Digital sales team to ensure their opera3on is sufficient.
• Day to day ac5vi5es
• Manage daily ac3vi3es of Digital Sales team including suppor3ng staffs to persuade & sell VPBCF’s products & services;
other essen3al skills in workplace
• Ensure all Sales staffs can understand customers needs as well as market trends to sell products & services sufficiently
• Cooperate with Sales Channels, Business Development Department, Marke3ng to develop & execute new Digital sales
marke3ng strategies when required.
• Develop sophis3cated perspec3ve on most effec3ve products for different customer segments, 3mes of day, etc.
• Ensure Digital sales team’s compliance with VPBFC’s policies & regula3ons
• Undertake other tasks assigned by Center Director
• Management of Repor5ng Units
• Periodic sales reports from Assistant, Sup, Team leader and Specialist

Từ 2017 đến 2018: Trưởng nhóm / ban tại Công ty Tài chính TNHH MTV Ngân Hàng Việt Nam Thịnh Vượng
• Management of the teams, assigned in the Call Centre, Campaign Execu3on and End-to-End X-sell Opera3ons.
• Develop and maintain Auto-dialer using Genesys system.
• Define logic on the data alloca3on in Auto-dialer to ensure the conversion rate of eligible base for each month.
• Designed customer lifecycle management strategies
• Define all the phases of the customer lifecycle (Applica3on, X-Sell, Topup, Disbursement) for all products (loans, credit
• Cooperate on the product development and the process changes and enhancements
• Closely cooperate with CRM teams (IT team, Genesys team) and cross-department teams (Risk, Product/BD, CCBC team
• Suppor3ng Director of Telesales and managing daily ac3vi3es of Telesales sales team.
• Reports to the Telesales Director on overall effec3veness of X-sell opera3ons.
• In charge of controlling and steering the X-sell Call Centre in order to meet the process and unit KPI’s.
• Ensure Telesales team’s compliance with VPB FC’s policies and regula3ons.
• Ensure effec3ve development and implementa3on of IT solu3ons.
• Undertake other tasks assigned by Director of Telesales and Sales Division Director.
• Planning/budge3ng
• In charge of proposing & developing business plans & strategies to acquire new customers & maximize telesales team
figures as part of overall VPB FC’s sales strategy
• Suppor3ng Director of Telesales and Third Party Centre in managing daily ac3vi3es of Telesales sales team including
suppor3ng staffs to persuade & sell VPB_FC’s products & services via phone calls; other essen3al skills…
• Update and follow up sales result, feedbacks from others to push TSTL /TSA to keep track and improvement
• Lead and assign TSTL/TSA to implement tasks on 3me
• Assist Director of Telesales and Third Party Centre to manage telesales teams such as recrui3ng, training or suppor3ng
difficult situa3on
• Responsible for driving aggressive customer acquisi3on through Telesales ac3vi3es to maximize sales figure
• Closely monitor Telesales team & seek opportuni3es to improve team produc3vity
• Ensure Telesales team’s compliance with VPB_FC’s policies & regula3ons
• Ensure effec3ve development and implementa3on of IT solu3ons
• Undertake other tasks assigned by Director of Telesales and Third Party Centre

Từ 2017 đến 2017: Giám đốc/ Quản lý cấp cao tại WINAM CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION
• Qualify leads from marke3ng campaigns as sales opportuni3es
• Contact poten3al clients through cold calls and emails
• Present our company to poten3al clients
• Iden3fy client needs and suggest appropriate products/services
• Customize product solu3ons to increase customer sa3sfac3on
• Build long-term trus3ng rela3onships with clients
• Proac3vely seek new business opportuni3es in the market
• Set up mee3ngs or calls between (prospec3ve) clients
• Stay up-to-date with new products/services and new pricing/payment plans
• Report to the General Director
• Other tasks as arranged by the General Manager
• Prospect for poten3al new clients and turn this into increased business.
• Cold call as appropriate within your market or geographic area to ensure a robust pipeline of opportuni3es. * Meet poten3al clients by growing, maintaining, and leveraging your network.
• Iden3fy poten3al clients, and the decision makers within the client organiza3on.
• Research and build rela3onships with new clients.
• Set up mee3ngs between client decision makers and company’s prac3ce leaders/Principals.
• Plan approaches and pitches. * Work with team to develop proposals that speaks to the client’s needs, concerns, and
• Handle objec3ons by clarifying, emphasizing agreements and working through differences to a posi3ve conclusion. *
Use a variety of styles to persuade or nego3ate appropriately.
• Present an image that mirrors that of the client.
• Client Reten5on
• Present new products and services and enhance exis3ng rela3onships.
• Work with technical staff and other internal colleagues to meet customer needs.
• Arrange and par3cipate in internal and external client debriefs.
• Business Development Planning
• Atend industry func3ons, such as associa3on events and conferences, and provide feedback and informa3on on market
and crea3ve trends.
• Present to and consult with mid and senior level management on business trends with a view to developing new services, products, and distribu3on channels.
• Iden3fy opportuni3es for campaigns, services, and distribu3on channels that will lead to an increase in sales.
• Using knowledge of the market and compe3tors, iden3fy and develop the company’s unique selling proposi3ons and
• Management and Research
• Submit weekly progress reports and ensure data is accurate.
• Ensure that data is accurately entered and managed within the company’s CRM or other sales management system.
• Forecast sales targets and ensure they are met by the team.
• Track and record ac3vity on accounts and help to close deals to meet these targets.
• Work with marke3ng staff to ensure that prerequisites (like prequalifica3on or geung on a vendor list) are fulfilled within a 3mely manner.
• Ensure all team members represent the company in the best light.
• Present business development training and mentoring to business developers and other internal staff.
• Research and develop a thorough understanding of the company’s people and capabili3es.
• Understand the company’s goal and purpose so that will con3nual to enhance the company’s performance.

Từ 2008 đến 2017: Khác tại NTUC Income Insurance Co-Opera5ve Limited
Oversees the daily running and management of a call center, overseeing a sales team, mee3ng any sales targets and the
development and training of telesales staff.
• Ensuring collected premiums for all signed up insurance policies.
• Coaching, inspiring and mo3va3ng a sales team.
• Ensuring the team meets the sales targets.
• Sales training, development, and performance management.
• A good understanding of the market dynamics in the respec3ve sector.
• Developing sales strategies to guarantee success and growth.
• Developing and maintaining customer rela3onships
• Disciplined use of CRM system, communica3on and customer management.
• Handling customer complaints and enquiries.
• Monitoring random calls for quality assurance.
• Forecas3ng and analysing sales data.
• Regular repor3ng of KPI’s to directors
• Keeping to targets and managing KPI’s.

Từ 2007 đến 2008: Quản lý tại LKK AUTO-CONSULTANTS PTE LTD
● Handle legal maters in terms of nego3a3on with the setlement of claims.
● Oversees insurance claims for personal, property, or casualty loss based on coverage, appraisal, and verifiable
● Ensures complete and sound claim setlements, legal reviews and inves3ga3ons in accordance with company
policies and procedures.
● Accountable mainly for Property Loss and Casualty Loss setlement.
● Perform calling of insured and Third Party claimants.
● Inves3gate access, analyze and evaluate claims.
● Establish and implement short- and long-range goals, objec3ves, policies, and opera3ng procedures in Bodily
Injury department.
● Supervise the planning and development of the department.
● Managing a team of adjusters and examiners
● Working with management to adjust procedures as needed
● Ensuring legal compliance of the claims process
● Atending educa3onal sessions in the event of new laws or changing business direc3ves in Life and Non-life licensure.

Từ 2005 đến 2007: Quản lý tại Regent Seven Seas Cruise Line
● Supervise day-to-day opera3ons in the customer service department.
●Create effec3ve customer service procedures, policies, and standards.
●Manage the approved budget of the customer service department.
●Respond to customer service issues in a 3mely manner.
● Develop customer sa3sfac3on goals and coordinate with the team to meet them on a steady basis.
● Implement an effec3ve customer loyalty program.
● Responsible for daily requisi3ons inputed into MXP Procurement System.
● Prepare in advance daily func3on sheets for every cruise.
● Checks and update all work orders inputed in Espresso, and make daily walk around for follow up.
● Maintain accurate records and document all customer service ac3vi3es and discussions.
● Assess service sta3s3cs and prepare detailed reports on your findings.
● Iden3fy and assess customers' needs to achieve sa3sfac3on
● Provide accurate, valid and complete informa3on by using the right methods/tools
● Handle complaints, provide appropriate solu3ons and alterna3ves within the 3me limits and follow up to ensure
● Keep records of customer interac3ons, process customer accounts and file documents
● Follow communica3on procedures, guidelines and policies
●Stay informed on the latest industry techniques and methods

Từ 2003 đến 2005: Thư ký tại Georgeson Shareholder Inc.
• Coordinate and nego3ate with clients in New York, Singapore, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
• Assist in the development of specifica3ons for product enhancements and upgrades.
• Prepare correspondences and memorandum.
• Maintain and organized filing system.
• Take charge in the absence of Administra3ve Manager.
• Repor3ng to Managing Director.
• Conduc3ng research u3lizing a variety of research techniques and strategies including using Proxy01, Avaya and
• Collect, organize, modify track, and communicate informa3on flow from Interna3onal offices.
• Map data flows in support of automa3ng data processing.
• Coordinate and nego3ate with clients in New York, Singapore, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
• Ensure accuracy and completeness of all data entered.
• Record daily atendance of employees in Excel format.

Từ 2001 đến 2003: Quản lý tại IONICS EMS Inc.
• Responsible for the daily management and control of data input into MRP system.
• Responsible for implemen3ng opera3onal controls and correct logis3cal flow of JBA S21 MRP system.
• Check and review data parameters input by the system.
• Coordinate with all concerned for the correc3on and compele3on of data.
• Maintain Key Perfomane indicators such as Data Parameter performance, JBA down3me report, booking performance
and other performance monitoring.
• Check physical inventory if needed to verify exis3ng data in JBA systems 21.
Kỹ năng

Communica5on – Highly trained in customer service. Deals with internal and external customers with strong interpersonal skills
at all levels via telephone and email, to ensure successful communica3on via ac3vely listening and probing ques3ons.
Problem Solving – Ability to mul3-task, resolves in-depth queries in a methodical manner independently and with internal and
external business partners to find appropriate resolu3ons, efficiencies, and high level of quality.
Team Player - Enjoys sharing knowledge and encouraging development of others to achieve specific team goals.
Planning and Organizing - Refined planning and organiza3onal skills that balance work, team support and ad-hoc responsibili3es
in a 3mely and professional manner.
Systems Knowledge – MicrosoS Office 2000 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook). Experience in preparing and analyzing
repor3ng data for management accurately and to 3mescales.
Ngoại ngữ

- Tiếng Anh (Bản ngữ)
- Tiếng Việt (Trung cấp)
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